*** mailto.c.orig Wed Feb 9 23:30:26 1994 --- metamail/mailto.c Mon Nov 20 01:21:37 1995 *************** *** 570,575 **** --- 570,576 ---- if (isupper(*sdum)) *sdum = tolower(*sdum); } if (strcmp(CharacterSet, "us-ascii") + && strcmp(CharacterSet, "koi8-r") && strncmp(CharacterSet, "iso-8859-", 9)) { fprintf(stderr, "mailto: Unsupported character set: %s\n", CharacterSet); exit(-1); *************** *** 1130,1135 **** --- 1131,1137 ---- if (part->isrich) { if (strcmp(CharacterSet, "us-ascii") && (strncmp(CharacterSet, "iso-8859-", 9) + && strcmp(CharacterSet, "koi8-r") || part->encoding_type_needed != ENC_NONE)) { fprintf(fp, "Content-type: text/richtext; charset=\"%s\"\n", CharacterSet); } else { *************** *** 1140,1145 **** --- 1142,1148 ---- WriteCtypeNicely(fp, part->content_type); if (strcmp(CharacterSet, "us-ascii") && (strncmp(CharacterSet, "iso-8859-", 9) + && strcmp(CharacterSet, "koi8-r") || part->encoding_type_needed != ENC_NONE)) { fprintf(fp, "; charset=\"%s\"\n", CharacterSet); } else fputs("\n", fp); *************** *** 1745,1750 **** --- 1748,1754 ---- } printf("\n\nEnter your choice as a number from 0 to %d: ", i); fflush(stdout); + *LineBuf = '\0'; fgets(LineBuf, sizeof(LineBuf), stdin); ans = atoi(LineBuf); if (ans == 0 || ans == 1) { *************** *** 1791,1797 **** int ct; printf("\nEnter the MIME Content-type value for the data from file %s\n (type '?' for a list of locally-valid content-types): ", sdum); fflush(stdout); ! gets(LineBuf); if (index(LineBuf, '/')) { char lc[100], *s, AnsBuf[100]; strcpy(lc, LineBuf); --- 1795,1801 ---- int ct; printf("\nEnter the MIME Content-type value for the data from file %s\n (type '?' for a list of locally-valid content-types): ", sdum); fflush(stdout); ! fgets(LineBuf, sizeof(LineBuf), stdin); if (index(LineBuf, '/')) { char lc[100], *s, AnsBuf[100]; strcpy(lc, LineBuf); *************** *** 1809,1815 **** } if (mc) break; printf("The MIME content-type '%s' is not listed in your local mailcap files,\nand may not be a valid MIME type. Do you want to use it anyway [no] ? ", LineBuf); ! s = gets(AnsBuf); while (s && *s && isspace((unsigned char) *s)) ++s; if (s && (*s == 'y' || *s == 'Y')) break; continue; --- 1813,1819 ---- } if (mc) break; printf("The MIME content-type '%s' is not listed in your local mailcap files,\nand may not be a valid MIME type. Do you want to use it anyway [no] ? ", LineBuf); ! s = fgets(AnsBuf, sizeof(AnsBuf), stdin); while (s && *s && isspace((unsigned char) *s)) ++s; if (s && (*s == 'y' || *s == 'Y')) break; continue; *** metamail.c.bak Thu Feb 17 04:57:19 1994 --- metamail/metamail.c Mon Nov 20 01:21:37 1995 *************** *** 83,89 **** #define MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE 256 #define WRITE_BINARY "w" #else /* AMIGA */ ! extern char **environ, *gets(); #define CATCOMMAND "cat" #define CATTEMPLATE "cat %s" #define METAMAIL "metamail" --- 83,89 ---- #define MAX_FILE_NAME_SIZE 256 #define WRITE_BINARY "w" #else /* AMIGA */ ! extern char **environ; #define CATCOMMAND "cat" #define CATTEMPLATE "cat %s" #define METAMAIL "metamail" *************** *** 579,585 **** int overwriteans = -1; do { printf("File %s exists. Do you want to overwrite it (y/n) ?\n", Fname); ! s = gets(AnsBuf); if (!s) { overwriteans = 0; } else { --- 579,585 ---- int overwriteans = -1; do { printf("File %s exists. Do you want to overwrite it (y/n) ?\n", Fname); ! s = fgets(AnsBuf, sizeof(AnsBuf), stdin); if (!s) { overwriteans = 0; } else { *************** *** 1823,1829 **** } else { printf("This message contains '%s'-format data.\nDo you want to view it using the '%s' command (y/n) [y] ? ", ctype, ShortCommand(progname)); } ! s = gets(AnsBuf); if (!s) return(0); /* EOF */ while (s && *s && isspace((unsigned char) *s)) ++s; if (*s == 'y' || *s == 'Y' || !*s || *s == '\n') return(1); --- 1823,1829 ---- } else { printf("This message contains '%s'-format data.\nDo you want to view it using the '%s' command (y/n) [y] ? ", ctype, ShortCommand(progname)); } ! s = fgets(AnsBuf, sizeof(AnsBuf), stdin); if (!s) return(0); /* EOF */ while (s && *s && isspace((unsigned char) *s)) ++s; if (*s == 'y' || *s == 'Y' || !*s || *s == '\n') return(1);